Saturday, July 27, 2024


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Real-Time Tank Data Drives Better Fuel Management

A Tank Monitoring Case Study: Lower Costs, Higher Customer Satisfaction
A Tank Monitoring Case Study: Lower Costs, Higher Customer Satisfaction Our business, like many fuel dealers, relies on remote tank monitoring systems in our daily operations.… https://oilandenergyonline.com/articles/all/real-time-tank-data-drives-better-fuel-management/

How a Tank Monitor Can Help You Exceed Your Business Goals

Your tank monitoring strategy can maximize deliveries, flatten the delivery curve and improve your bottom line.
Your tank monitoring strategy can maximize deliveries, flatten the delivery curve and improve your bottom line. The summer season is the perfect time to audit your customer data,… https://oilandenergyonline.com/articles/all/how-tank-monitor-can-help-you-exceed-your-business-goals/

Mapping Out the Future

Trucking Equipment, the EPA and Your Business
Trucking Equipment, the EPA and Your Business What an industry wants and needs and what politicians legislate are often worlds apart. Quite often, legislation has little to do… https://oilandenergyonline.com/articles/all/mapping-out-future/

A New Way of Doing Business

Innovations in telemetry technology open the door to consumption billing
Innovations in telemetry technology open the door to consumption billing Why don’t liquid heating fuel dealers charge their customers on a per-use basis, like the natural gas and… https://oilandenergyonline.com/articles/all/new-way-doing-business/

Top Tech Trends

Survey reveals three key goals for fuel dealers
Survey reveals three key goals for fuel dealers It’s no secret that technology has changed the game for fuel delivery. But what exactly has changed, and how do those changes lead… https://oilandenergyonline.com/articles/all/top-tech-trends/

Dropped Signals

Legacy tank monitors may need immediate replacement
Legacy tank monitors may need immediate replacement Most heating fuel business owners have been around long enough to remember the Y2K problem. Leading up to the turn of the 21st… https://oilandenergyonline.com/articles/all/dropped-signals/

Otodata Acquires WACnGO

Tank monitoring acquisition accelerates market expansion
Tank monitoring acquisition accelerates market expansion Otodata Technologies USA announced that it has acquired Wireless Applications Corporation (WACnGO), a leading player in… https://oilandenergyonline.com/articles/all/otodata-acquires-wacngo/

Tank Monitoring Transforms

How the devices, the software, and their providers are responding to fuel dealer needs
How the devices, the software, and their providers are responding to fuel dealer needs Fuel delivery companies don’t just deliver fuel. Even if that remains your central focus,… https://oilandenergyonline.com/articles/all/tank-monitoring-transforms/

Under Key & Under Contract

Secure your delivery network to grow your profits
Secure your delivery network to grow your profits Your propane fuel delivery system is a network. There are three ways you can enhance the profitability and security of that… https://oilandenergyonline.com/articles/all/under-key-under-contract/

How to Keep Customer Tanks “In-Network”

Managing propane distribution for efficiency and profit
Managing propane distribution for efficiency and profit You can’t control the price of propane. You can control the price to you by timing and sizing your purchase, and you can… https://oilandenergyonline.com/articles/all/how-keep-customer-tanks-network/

Remote Monitoring Amid Social Distancing

Tank Monitors Aid Dealers & Customers Amid COVID-19 Crisis
Tank Monitors Aid Dealers & Customers Amid COVID-19 Crisis Under normal circumstances, experienced heating fuel dealers can predict their customers’ delivery needs with at least… https://oilandenergyonline.com/articles/all/remote-monitoring-amid-social-distancing/

Gaslog Tank Monitors Increase Delivery Efficiency & Customer Loyalty

Bigger drop sizes and happier customers: a winning combination for propane marketers
The use of remote tank monitors in the propane industry has steadily increased and for good reason. As in other industries, information is power. Armed with tank monitor data,… https://oilandenergyonline.com/articles/all/gaslog-tank-monitors-increase-delivery-efficiency-customer-loyalty/

The Tank Monitoring Evolution Continues

As adoption and profits increase, so do technological capabilities and possibilities
The reasons for and benefits of adopting tank monitors have been covered pretty exhaustively in past issues of Oil & Energy. One provider summed them up succinctly. “In all tank… https://oilandenergyonline.com/articles/all/tank-monitoring-evolution-continues/

Anova Acquires ISA

On June 17, industrial internet of things (IIoT) provider Anova announced that it has acquired Intelligent Sensing Anywhere (ISA). The acquisition brings together two companies with reputations for quality, technical innovation, and customer focus, creati…
On June 17, industrial internet of things (IIoT) provider Anova announced that it has acquired Intelligent Sensing Anywhere (ISA). The acquisition brings together two companies… https://oilandenergyonline.com/articles/all/anova-acquires-isa/

DataOnline, WESROC, Wikon and iTank Combine as Anova

On April 2, leading global Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) provider DataOnline announced the company has formally rebranded as Anova. The new brand incorporates DataOnline and its wholly owned businesses WESROC, Wikon and iTank. These businesses have…
On April 2, leading global Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) provider DataOnline announced the company has formally rebranded as Anova. The new brand incorporates DataOnline… https://oilandenergyonline.com/articles/all/dataonline-wesroc-wikon-and-itank-combine-anova/

DataOnline Acquires Independent Technologies

DataOnline announced August 6 that it had completed the acquisition of Independent Technologies.With DataOnline’s acquisition of Wikon GmbH, the combined business will serve more than 1,000 customers in 75+ countries across Europe, Asia, and the Americas…
DataOnline, a leading global provider of Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) solutions, announced August 6 that it had completed the acquisition of Independent Technologies.… https://oilandenergyonline.com/articles/all/dataonline-acquires-independent-technologies/

Eyes in the Storm

In describing last winter’s string of heavy snowfalls, cold temperatures, and corresponding supply issues, some fuel dealers have referred to the one-two-three combination as a “perfect storm.” Others have called it a different kind of storm, of the exple…
In describing last winter’s string of heavy snowfalls, cold temperatures, and corresponding supply issues, some fuel dealers have referred to the one-two-three combination as a… https://oilandenergyonline.com/articles/all/eyes-storm/

Who Monitors the Monitors?

One of the biggest takeaways from the energy industry’s 2017 trade show season has to be the penetration of “smart” technology into virtually every segment of the field: manufacturing, delivery, service, training, sales, marketing and everywhere in betwee…
One of the biggest takeaways from the energy industry’s 2017 trade show season has to be the penetration of “smart” technology into virtually every segment of the field:… https://oilandenergyonline.com/articles/all/who-monitors-monitors/

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