Monday, September 16, 2024


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Policy Tug-of-War Over Renewable Fuels

Who will win and who will lose as West Coast LCFS, East Coast Biofuel Mandates and Federal SAF Incentives pull renewable feedstocks in all directions?
Who will win and who will lose as West Coast LCFS, East Coast Biofuel Mandates and Federal SAF Incentives pull renewable feedstocks in all directions? There was a time, not too… https://oilandenergyonline.com/articles/all/policy-tug-war-over-renewable-fuels/

Show Your Work

Use online GHG calculators to help prove your value to the community
Use online GHG calculators to help prove your value to the community Liquid heating fuel retailers, wholesalers and producers have been helping homeowners and businesses reduce… https://oilandenergyonline.com/articles/all/show-your-work/

Storing Renewable Energy in Cement

Future homes may have supercapacitor foundations
Future homes may have supercapacitor foundations  MIT engineers have created an energy-storing supercapacitor from three of the world’s most abundant materials: cement, water,… https://oilandenergyonline.com/articles/all/storing-renewable-energy-cement/

Americans Want Traditional Fuels AND Clean Energy

Pew Research reveals the country isn’t ready to give up fossil fuels.
Pew Research reveals the country isn’t ready to give up fossil fuels. In 2023, ‘renewable’ is the name of the game. It seems like every week a new industry is touting its… https://oilandenergyonline.com/articles/all/americans-want-traditional-fuels-and-clean-energy/

Focus on Decarbonization

Eastern Energy Expo takes on the challenges of lower carbon fuels.
Eastern Energy Expo takes on the challenges of lower carbon fuels. The higher cloud and pour points of renewable liquid fuels, as well as supply and storage concerns, were… https://oilandenergyonline.com/articles/all/focus-decarbonization/

Solar and Wind Growth Soars in 2022

Power generation lies in state size and population
Power generation lies in state size and population A new report from independent research organization Climate Central shows how the national capacity to generate solar and wind… https://oilandenergyonline.com/articles/all/solar-and-wind-growth-soars-2022/

Producing Hydrogen Fuel from Air and Sunlight

New technology offers a preview of scalable, storable solar energy
New technology offers a preview of scalable, storable solar energy Advancements in green hydrogen seem to be jumping ahead by leaps and bounds. It seems far-fetched, but… https://oilandenergyonline.com/articles/all/producing-hydrogen-fuel-air-and-sunlight/

Revisiting Brayton Point

Offshore wind brings new life to closed coal plant site
Offshore wind brings new life to closed coal plant site Decommissioned in 2017, Brayton Point was the largest coal-fired generating station in New England and the last in… https://oilandenergyonline.com/articles/all/revisiting-brayton-point/

Renewable Portfolio Standards Chart

A list of current renewable power generation targets, by state and investor-owned utility
Last month, the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) released a Corporate Goal case model comparing utility emission reduction targets with the Reference Case of last… https://oilandenergyonline.com/articles/all/renewable-portfolio-standards-chart/

U.S. Consumed Record Amount of Renewable Energy in 2020

Including biofuels, biomass energy accounts for nearly 40 percent of nation’s renewables
Including biofuels, biomass energy accounts for nearly 40 percent of nation’s renewables In 2020, consumption of renewable energy in the United States grew for the fifth year in… https://oilandenergyonline.com/articles/all/us-consumed-record-amount-renewable-energy-2020/

Wind Ho!

Biden’s offshore wind plan bolsters New England’s clean energy goals
Biden’s offshore wind plan bolsters New England’s clean energy goals Bringing 30 gigawatts of offshore wind online by the end of the decade is a pretty ambitious goal for the… https://oilandenergyonline.com/articles/all/wind-ho/

Accelerating Transitions

Annual Energy Outlook projects COVID-19’s lasting impacts on domestic energy market
Annual Energy Outlook projects COVID-19’s lasting impacts on domestic energy market The U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) has released its Annual Energy Outlook… https://oilandenergyonline.com/articles/all/accelerating-transitions/

The Jones Act in a Clean-Energy Economy

Can 100-year-old legislation be applied to 21st century technologies?
Can 100-year-old legislation be applied to 21st century technologies? 2020 marks the centennial anniversary of the Merchant Marine Act of 1920. Known as the Jones Act, section 27… https://oilandenergyonline.com/articles/all/jones-act-clean-energy-economy/

2050 Vision Looks Askew

EIA’s 2020 Annual Energy Outlook offers multiple views of a dynamic future
The U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) has released its Annual Energy Outlook 2020 (AEO2020), with projections for the domestic energy market through 2050. As always,… https://oilandenergyonline.com/articles/all/2050-vision-looks-askew/

Solar Power: Looking Beyond the Rooftops

We’ve all seen the rapid growth in solar installations over the past few years. We can also see how solar technology is evolving, and the applications just seem endless.
We’ve all seen the rapid growth in solar installations over the past few years. We can also see how solar technology is evolving, and the applications just seem endless. MIT… https://oilandenergyonline.com/articles/all/solar-power-looking-beyond-rooftops/

MEMA & DOER Present Webinar on Alternative Energy Portfolio Standard

On Tuesday, March 6, the Massachusetts Energy Marketers Association (MEMA) and Massachusetts Department of Energy Resources (DOER) presented a webinar by DOER titled “Biofuels in the Massachusetts Alternative Energy Portfolio Standard.” Over 110 indivi…
On Tuesday, March 6, the Massachusetts Energy Marketers Association (MEMA) and Massachusetts Department of Energy Resources (DOER) presented a webinar by DOER titled “Biofuels in… https://oilandenergyonline.com/articles/all/mema-doer-present-webinar-alternative-energy-portfolio-standard/

Massachusetts Looks Ahead to APS Rollout

By this time next year (or maybe sooner), Massachusetts retailers selling bio-blended heating oil could potentially be collecting financial incentives as high as 65 cents per gallon of biodiesel delivered to their customers. To get to the “why” and “how” …
By this time next year (or maybe sooner), Massachusetts retailers selling bio-blended heating oil could potentially be collecting financial incentives as high as 65 cents per… https://oilandenergyonline.com/articles/all/massachusetts-looks-ahead-aps-rollout/

NY Governor Signs Downstate B5 Law

With more than 1.8 million oil-heated homes, New York has the largest heating oil market of any state in the country. Consisting of Westchester County, New York City, Nassau County, and Suffolk County, the downstate region alone contains more than 1.3 mil…
Legislation takes effect July 1, 2018 With more than 1.8 million oil-heated homes, New York has the largest heating oil market of any state in the country. Consisting of… https://oilandenergyonline.com/articles/all/ny-governor-signs-downstate-b5-law/

Feedstock Flexibility

Creating High-Quality Biodiesel Regardless of Feedstock
Creating High-Quality Biodiesel Regardless of Feedstock The former science teacher in me still likes quizzes, so here’s a quick one for you. First, list some of the most common… https://oilandenergyonline.com/articles/all/feedstock-flexibility/

DOE Publishes Guidelines for Biodiesel Blending

The U.S. Department of Energy recently published the Fifth Edition of the Biodiesel Handling and Use Guide. This information is excerpted from the manual’s section on biodiesel blending.
The U.S. Department of Energy recently published the Fifth Edition of the Biodiesel Handling and Use Guide. The following information is excerpted from the manual’s section on… https://oilandenergyonline.com/articles/all/doe-publishes-guidelines-biodiesel-blending/

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