Thursday, February 13, 2025


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Staying Top of Mind

By the time you see this article we will have already celebrated the Vernal equinox and the start of spring. Heating professionals know that these dates do not symbolize the end of the heating season, but at least we are getting close. While official “hea…
By the time you see this article we will have already celebrated the Vernal equinox and the start of spring. Heating professionals know that these dates do not symbolize the end… https://oilandenergyonline.com/articles/all/staying-top-mind/

Moving Mobile and Going the Extra Mile

Whether your customer base is made up of single-family homes, commercial properties, agribusiness or Oilheat professionals, a robust mobile presence lets them know you go the extra mile to offer the utmost convenience and service.
In an industry that was built on family values and neighborhood service, energy marketers are used to going the extra mile. Whether your customer base is made up of single-family… https://oilandenergyonline.com/articles/all/moving-mobile-and-going-extra-mile/

Control the Narrative

As I sit down to write this article, the Northeast is gearing up for what could be a very severe blizzard. HOS waivers have been issued. A declaration of emergency is in effect. Out my window, I can see our office-building manager salting the sidewalk. Pr…
As I sit down to write this article, the Northeast is gearing up for what could be a very severe blizzard. HOS waivers have been issued. A declaration of emergency is in effect.… https://oilandenergyonline.com/articles/all/control-narrative/

Where Brick-and-Mortar Meets Click-to-Order

Imagine you are the shopkeeper of a local hardware store in the 1980s. (I’d go back further, but I’m afraid that would leave our millennial readers in the dust.) One Saturday afternoon, a guy comes in to pick up some nails — except you know the guy by nam…
Imagine you are the shopkeeper of a local hardware store in the 1980s. (I’d go back further, but I’m afraid that would leave our millennial readers in the dust.) One Saturday… https://oilandenergyonline.com/articles/all/where-brick-and-mortar-meets-click-order/

Lead on Safety

Recent events have once again brought the topic of safety to the forefront for energy marketers. I won’t bother to rehash these events, as I am sure that they will be covered elsewhere in this publication and that most readers can figure out what I’m talk…
Recent events have once again brought the topic of safety to the forefront for energy marketers. I won’t bother to rehash these events, as I am sure that they will be covered… https://oilandenergyonline.com/articles/all/lead-safety/

Personalized Marketing

Some readers might remember way, way back in 2011, PriMedia published “The Oilheat Customer Bunch” calendar, which profiled a different customer-character for each month of the year. For example, there was April’s “Worry Wart” who “calls every time she he…
Some readers might remember way, way back in 2011, PriMedia published “The Oilheat Customer Bunch” calendar, which profiled a different customer-character for each month of the… https://oilandenergyonline.com/articles/all/personalized-marketing/

Three Energy Marketing Trends to Watch this Upcoming Heating Season

Whether this article finds you soaking up much-deserved sun on a beach somewhere, or helping your customers deal with the latest in a string of intense and sustained heat waves, I trust it finds you in the headspace of a home energy provider who’s still e…
Whether this article finds you soaking up much-deserved sun on a beach somewhere, or helping your customers deal with the latest in a string of intense and sustained heat waves, I… https://oilandenergyonline.com/articles/all/three-energy-marketing-trends-watch-upcoming-heating-season/

“It’s time … to embrace that difference”

Amanda Bacon, Director of Sales & Marketing for Atkinson, NH-based Palmer Gas & Oil, was one of three women on the “Fueling Your Digital Growth Through Reviews and Social Media” panel presented Tuesday, May 22 from 9:45 to 11 a.m. at the 2018 Eastern Ener…
Amanda Bacon, Director of Sales & Marketing for Atkinson, NH-based Palmer Gas & Oil, was one of three women on the “Fueling Your Digital Growth Through Reviews and Social Media”… https://oilandenergyonline.com/articles/all/its-time-embrace-difference/

The Return of Retro

Facebook is selling user data. Teslas are killing drivers. Alexa is laughing at us. Well, kind of… While these headlines might be good for clicks, the true story is always more complicated. Facebook does harvest and sell user data, but so do most of th…
Facebook is selling user data. Teslas are killing drivers. Alexa is laughing at us. Well, kind of… While these headlines might be good for clicks, the true story is always more… https://oilandenergyonline.com/articles/all/return-retro/

Super-Powered Service & Sales Teams

Two of the articles I’ve submitted to Oil & Energy for 2018 dealt with the energy industry’s response to this past winter. The first, January/February’s “Lessons from the Storm,” discussed fuel dealers’ immediate response — how to manage customer communic…
Two of the articles I’ve submitted to Oil & Energy for 2018 dealt with the energy industry’s response to this past winter. The first, January/February’s “Lessons from the… https://oilandenergyonline.com/articles/all/super-powered-service-sales-teams/

Flaunt Your Flexibility

A new wave of budget plan and price protection enrollment is within reach
A new wave of budget plan and price protection enrollment is within reach If you offer budget and price protection plans, expect customer interest in these programs to increase… https://oilandenergyonline.com/articles/all/flaunt-your-flexibility/

Email Marketing Musts

Email marketing is key to increasing sales, reducing customer turnover and building better B2C relationships.
Keys to increase sales, reduce customer turnover and build better B2C relationships How’s your inbox? As I write this, mine’s crowded with around a hundred new, unread emails,… https://oilandenergyonline.com/articles/all/email-marketing-musts/

Lessons from the Storm

2018 kicked off with record breaking cold, snow, and wind … and you probably have quite a few tales to tell! While many dealers skated through without a stumble, others found themselves slipping and falling behind.
2018 kicked off with record breaking cold, snow, and wind … and you probably have quite a few tales to tell! While many dealers skated through without a stumble, others found… https://oilandenergyonline.com/articles/all/lessons-storm/

Five Critical Components of a Neo-Traditional Marketing Campaign

Ways a neo-traditional marketing campaign can effectively connect with two popular targets: new and lost customers.
For the September edition of Oil & Energy, I submitted an article titled “Neo-Traditional Marketing: How digital media has helped revitalize print publishing and marketing.”  To… https://oilandenergyonline.com/articles/all/five-critical-components-neo-traditional-marketing-campaign/

ESEA, UNYEA & HVOEC to Consumers: “Upgrade Your Lifestyle”

This past September, the Empire State Energy Association (ESEA), in conjunction with the Hudson Valley Oil & Energy Council (HVOEC) and the Upstate New York Energy Association (UNYEA), launched their new “Upgrade Your Lifestyle” program, promoting energy …
This past September, the Empire State Energy Association (ESEA), in conjunction with the Hudson Valley Oil & Energy Council (HVOEC) and the Upstate New York Energy Association… https://oilandenergyonline.com/articles/all/esea-unyea-hvoec-consumers-upgrade-your-lifestyle/

For the Cause or Just Because?

Cause marketing can be a rewarding effort … or a public relations disaster
Cause marketing can be a rewarding effort … or a public relations disaster A funny thing happened this year in the world of corporate advertising — well, funny if you’re amused… https://oilandenergyonline.com/articles/all/cause-or-just-because/

Neo-Traditional Marketing

How digital media has helped revitalize print publishing and marketing
How digital media has helped revitalize print publishing and marketing Hunt Valley, Maryland-headquartered publishing house Sheridan included in its June 2017 e-newsletter an… https://oilandenergyonline.com/articles/all/neo-traditional-marketing/

Refereeing Your Referral Business

According to Gray, Gray & Gray’s 2017 Energy Industry Survey, published in last month’s Oil & Energy, 39% of our industry’s new business comes from customer referrals. That’s more than any other source, including … yes, digital marketing, which came in se…
According to Gray, Gray & Gray’s 2017 Energy Industry Survey, published in last month’s Oil & Energy, 39% of our industry’s new business comes from customer referrals. That’s more… https://oilandenergyonline.com/articles/all/refereeing-your-referral-business/

Behind the Numbers

Today’s energy marketers have a wealth of valuable data at their fingertips. The question is how does one parse all that info, and what to do with it afterward…
Today’s energy marketers have a wealth of valuable data at their fingertips. The question is how does one parse all that info, and what to do with it afterward… You’ve probably… https://oilandenergyonline.com/articles/all/behind-numbers/

Your Web Presence Can’t Live In the Past

On a constantly evolving internet, adaptability is key to the energy marketer’s relevance … and survival.
On a constantly evolving internet, adaptability is key to the energy marketer’s relevance … and survival. Depending on which scientist you ask, the universe is growing at a… https://oilandenergyonline.com/articles/all/your-web-presence-cant-live-past/

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