Wednesday, January 15, 2025


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The Buyer’s Dilemma

Fleet operators choose between industry standard equipment and lower-priced imitations
Fleet operators choose between industry standard equipment and lower-priced imitations Fleet managers are constantly walking a tightrope when it comes to deciding how to outfit… https://oilandenergyonline.com/articles/all/buyers-dilemma/

Lock-Down Phones Ensure Compliance

Could a smart phone app help keep your company and drivers in compliance with federal regulations on cell phones and hand-held devices?
Could a smart phone app help keep your company and drivers in compliance with federal regulations on cell phones and hand-held devices? Like most companies, we put a written… https://oilandenergyonline.com/articles/all/lock-down-phones-ensure-compliance/

Monitors Enhance Fuel Delivery

Remote tank monitoring has become a very handy tool for many fuel dealers. Sure, it’s a great tool to monitor your customer’s tank levels and usage, but the real value may be the savings from more timely deliveries. Tank monitoring adds a whole new dimens…
Remote tank monitoring has become a very handy tool for many fuel dealers. Sure, it’s a great tool to monitor your customer’s tank levels and usage, but the real value may be the… https://oilandenergyonline.com/articles/all/monitors-enhance-fuel-delivery/

Forecasting Deliveries

Energy marketers who want to improve delivery efficiency without a large investment in software can integrate degree-day forecasting into their delivery scheduling with a subscription service from Degree Days Online.
Energy marketers who want to improve delivery efficiency without a large investment in software can integrate degree-day forecasting into their delivery scheduling with a… https://oilandenergyonline.com/articles/all/forecasting-deliveries/

Special K-Factor

Better delivery forecasting is what’s for breakfast
Better delivery forecasting is what’s for breakfast Are you eating runouts for breakfast, short deliveries for brunch, and partial fills for an afternoon snack? Do your employees… https://oilandenergyonline.com/articles/all/special-k-factor/

Tank Data Helps Company Compete

Long Energy uses monitors to support commercial delivery
Long Energy uses monitors to support commercial delivery An Albany, N.Y.-based energy marketer is using remote tank monitors to help them succeed in the competitive arena of… https://oilandenergyonline.com/articles/all/tank-data-helps-company-compete/

Less Is More

How remote monitoring can reduce delivery expenses
How remote monitoring can reduce delivery expenses As fuel delivery grows more competitive, marketers increasingly reach for technologies that can help eliminate waste and reduce… https://oilandenergyonline.com/articles/all/less-more/

Extending Truck Intelligence to the End of the Hose

Fuel marketers can make deliveries more efficiently and reduce wear and tear on equipment and drivers with a new on-board computing solution from BASE Engineering.
Fuel marketers can make deliveries more efficiently and reduce wear and tear on equipment and drivers with a new on-board computing solution from BASEEngineering. Introduced… https://oilandenergyonline.com/articles/all/extending-truck-intelligence-end-hose/

The Essentials of a Company Safety Program

If someone asked your advice about what the “essentials” are in the fuel business, you might recommend investing in some of the latest innovations available on new delivery trucks that help improve your company’s productivity.
If someone asked your advice about what the “essentials” are in the fuel business, you might recommend investing in some of the latest innovations available on new delivery trucks… https://oilandenergyonline.com/articles/all/essentials-company-safety-program/

Partnership Helps Boston Steel Do More for Customers

Boston Steel & Mfg. Co. customers will see an expanded product line and faster delivery times now that the Malden, Mass.-based truck tank builder has partnered with Tremcar USA.
Boston Steel & Mfg. Co. customers will see an expanded product line and faster delivery times now that the Malden, Mass.-based truck tank builder has partnered with Tremcar USA.… https://oilandenergyonline.com/articles/all/partnership-helps-boston-steel-do-more-customers/

Obama Administration’s Interstate Plans Draw Fire

An Obama Administration plan that would allow states to toll existing interstate highways has drawn fire from the transportation industry. If enacted, the plan would be a major change to a policy that has existed since the interstate system was created by…
An Obama Administration plan that would allow states to toll existing interstate highways has drawn fire from the transportation industry. If enacted, the plan would be a major… https://oilandenergyonline.com/articles/all/obama-administrations-interstate-plans-draw-fire/

The Inevitable Rise of the E-Log

Say hello to e-logs. They are (one of) this year’s big new regulatory developments. The name “e-logs” may be new, but electronic logging is not.
Say hello to e-logs. They are (one of) this year’s big new regulatory developments. While the name “e-logs” may be new, the basic idea of electronic logging has been floated… https://oilandenergyonline.com/articles/all/inevitable-rise-e-log/

Solar Powered Tank Monitor Offers Simple Set-Up

Fuel dealers can reduce delivery costs and improve customer service by deploying solar-powered, wireless outdoor tank monitors that were developed by a Pennsylvania energy company that has diversified broadly from its own base in fuel sales.
Fuel dealers can reduce delivery costs and improve customer service by deploying solar-powered, wireless outdoor tank monitors that were developed by a Pennsylvania energy… https://oilandenergyonline.com/articles/all/solar-powered-tank-monitor-offers-simple-set/

Extending the Data Network to the Truck

ADD Systems offers fuel retailers the ability to manage and communicate fuel delivery data from the delivery truck to the back office and out to the customer.
EDITOR’S NOTE: Onboard computing can open a host of business improvements, including reduced delivery costs and enhanced customer service. Oil & Energy recently spoke with ADD… https://oilandenergyonline.com/articles/all/extending-data-network-truck/

Eleven Benefits of Real-time Mobile

It’s 2014. Aren’t we supposed to be in flying cars by now? Aren’t all delivery drivers and service technicians supposed to be using real-time connected mobile devices? Maybe. But investing in mobile technology for an entire fleet is still a large enough p…
It’s 2014. Aren’t we supposed to be in flying cars by now? Aren’t all delivery drivers and service technicians supposed to be using real-time connected mobile devices? Maybe. But… https://oilandenergyonline.com/articles/all/eleven-benefits-real-time-mobile/

Things to Consider When Buying a Fuel Truck

Oil and Energy recently reached out to John Faris III, Vice President at Oilmen’s Truck Tanks, Inc. to discuss the process of buying and outfitting a new tank truck.
Oil and Energy recently reached out to John Faris III, Vice President at Oilmen’s Truck Tanks, Inc. to discuss the process of buying and outfitting a new tank truck.   … https://oilandenergyonline.com/articles/all/things-consider-when-buying-fuel-truck/

Equipping Your Fuel Trucks

Oilheat and propane delivery trucks are the backbone of any fuel delivery operation, and their performance can vary widely depending on the equipment you use on board. In this issue, Oil & Energy is taking a look at truck equipment and mobile technology a…
Manufacturers share thoughts on how to outfit your fleet for success   Oilheat and propane delivery trucks are the backbone of any fuel delivery operation, and their… https://oilandenergyonline.com/articles/all/equipping-your-fuel-trucks/

Proposed Rule Would Shake Up Drug & Alcohol Testing

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration has released the long awaited Notice of Proposed Rulemaking for the Department of Transportation Drug and Alcohol Testing Clearinghouse. Required by Congress and requested by industry figures, this regimen w…
The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration has released the long awaited Notice of Proposed Rulemaking for the Department of Transportation Drug and Alcohol Testing… https://oilandenergyonline.com/articles/all/proposed-rule-would-shake-drug-alcohol-testing/

Lack of Readiness Delays CDL Rule Revisions

Don’t give up your Medical Certificate just yet. The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration has delayed implementation for another year.
Don’t give up your Medical Certificate just yet. The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration has delayed implementation for another year. The new medical certificate… https://oilandenergyonline.com/articles/all/lack-readiness-delays-cdl-rule-revisions/

NTSB Demands Audit of FMCSA

Schadenfruede. That’s not a typo — it’s a (long) German word that means taking pleasure at the misfortune of others. There are going to be plenty of motor carriers feeling that way this month, as the National Transportation Safety Board has laid a broadsi…
Schadenfruede. That’s not a typo — it’s a (long) German word that means taking pleasure at the misfortune of others. There are going to be plenty of motor carriers feeling that… https://oilandenergyonline.com/articles/all/ntsb-demands-audit-fmcsa/

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