Wednesday, January 15, 2025


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Think You Know Your Margins?

What are you doing with all that data you are mining these days? Modeling your data can tell you quickly and efficiently how to increase profits and spot areas where you are leaving money on the table! Specific to hedging and buying oil, let’s look at thi…
What are you doing with all that data you are mining these days? Modeling your data can tell you quickly and efficiently how to increase profits and spot areas where you are… https://oilandenergyonline.com/articles/all/think-you-know-your-margins/

Retention Is the Key to Profitability

A steady flow of new customers is essential for success, but it’s the current customers who really drive the fortunes of many energy marketing companies.
A steady flow of new customers is essential for success, but it’s the current customers who really drive the fortunes of many energy marketing companies. Long-term accounts form… https://oilandenergyonline.com/articles/all/retention-key-profitability/

Protecting the Commodity Marketplace

Four years after passage of landmark commodity trading reform legislation, market volatility has been in decline and large banks are exiting the commodity markets.
Four years after passage of landmark commodity trading reform legislation that New England Fuel Institute pursued aggressively, market volatility has been in decline and large… https://oilandenergyonline.com/articles/all/protecting-commodity-marketplace/

Strengthening the LPG Supply Chain

The National Propane Gas Association (NPGA) is developing a far-reaching set of initiatives and solutions to help distributors throughout the chain prepare to meet periodic supply challenges.
The National Propane Gas Association (NPGA) is developing a far-reaching set of initiatives and solutions to help distributors throughout the chain prepare to meet periodic supply… https://oilandenergyonline.com/articles/all/strengthening-lpg-supply-chain/

A Prevent Defense for Low Sulfur Heating Oil

Now that many of the Northeastern states are recipients of lower sulfur heating oil, fuel dealers are asking what precautions they should take to protect the heating oil which they sell their customers. The answer is simple: the same that they should h…
Now that many of the Northeastern states are recipients of lower sulfur heating oil, fuel dealers are asking what precautions they should take to protect the heating oil which… https://oilandenergyonline.com/articles/all/prevent-defense-low-sulfur-heating-oil/

NPGA: Be Prepared

When the National Propane Gas Association (NPGA) appointed a task force to study supply and infrastructure challenges in light of last winter’s supply shortages, marketer education was a top priority. The Task Force issued a set of marketer recommendation…
When the National Propane Gas Association (NPGA) appointed a task force to study supply and infrastructure challenges in light of last winter’s supply shortages, marketer… https://oilandenergyonline.com/articles/all/npga-be-prepared/

EcoEngineers to Host RIN Academy Sept. 16

EcoEngineers, a quality assurance firm that recently worked with Oil & Energy on a highly informative article on the auditing of RINs (Renewable Identification Numbers), will host a seminar later this month on the new Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) rules. …
EcoEngineers, a quality assurance firm that recently worked with Oil & Energy on a highly informative article on the auditing of RINs (Renewable Identification Numbers), will… https://oilandenergyonline.com/articles/all/ecoengineers-host-rin-academy-sept-16/

Oil & Energy Focuses on Propane Supply

Propane marketers across New England and the upper Midwest would like to avoid a repeat of the challenges they faced last winter, when a surge in seasonal demand exposed gaps in the supply chain. Companies had to pay more for product, and drivers had to w…
Propane marketers across New England and the upper Midwest would like to avoid a repeat of the challenges they faced last winter, when a surge in seasonal demand exposed gaps in… https://oilandenergyonline.com/articles/all/oil-energy-focuses-propane-supply/

Interpreting the New El Niño

Veteran meteorologist scans summer developments for winter signals
Veteran meteorologist scans summer developments for winter signals By John Bagioni, Fax Alert Weather Service Ever since late winter (February into March period) the talk… https://oilandenergyonline.com/articles/all/interpreting-new-el-nino/

Natural Gas Expansion Plan Loses Support in Mass.

A proposal by the six New England governors to expand regional natural gas infrastructure on the backs of ratepayers seems to be losing support in Massachusetts, according to an article in the Boston Business Journal.
A proposal by the six New England governors to expand regional natural gas infrastructure on the backs of ratepayers seems to be losing support in Massachusetts, according to… https://oilandenergyonline.com/articles/all/natural-gas-expansion-plan-loses-support-mass/

Powered by Propane

Alliance Autogas partners with dealers to convert vehicles and fuel fleets
Alliance Autogas partners with dealers to convert vehicles and fuel fleets (Date: September 1, 2012) Propane dealers throughout North America can tap into an emerging… https://oilandenergyonline.com/articles/all/powered-propane/

PERC Works to Grow Autogas Market

Vehicle manufacturers are getting involved, and fleet owners are embracing the low-priced alternative fuel Propane autogas is the third most widely used vehicle fuel in the world, but the U.S. lags behind other aggressive adopters, such as Australia, P…
Vehicle manufacturers are getting involved, and fleet owners are embracing the low-priced alternative fuel Propane autogas is the third most widely used vehicle fuel in the… https://oilandenergyonline.com/articles/all/perc-works-grow-autogas-market/

Building the AutoGas Market in New England

Oil & Energy speaks with Jim Proulx, of Proulx Oil & Propane, about his work with Alliance AutoGas, which is a national network that provides fueling and vehicle conversions AutoGas.
NH dealer discusses benefits of propane as a transportation fuel Oil & Energy speaks with Jim Proulx, of Proulx Oil & Propane, about his work with Alliance AutoGas, which is a… https://oilandenergyonline.com/articles/all/building-autogas-market-new-england/

Natural Gas Expansion Projects Hit Obstacles

Pipeline expansion appeared imminent this year after New England’s six governors developed a plan to encourage construction of new gas pipelines with the lure of built-in ratepayer subsidies.
Utilities in New England have already benefited from thousands of heating oil customers switching to natural gas, and the last thing the Oilheat industry needs is a massive… https://oilandenergyonline.com/articles/all/natural-gas-expansion-projects-hit-obstacles/

Pennco Students Win Oil & Energy Photo Contest!

Students from Pennco Tech, in New Jersey, are the winners of the Oil & Energy VIP Cover Contest that was held this spring at the Atlantic Region Energy Expo and the Oil & Energy Service Professionals Road Show. Students including Kevin Howe, Jamal Oglesby…
Students from Pennco Tech, in New Jersey, are the winners of the Oil & Energy VIP Cover Contest that was held this spring at the Atlantic Region Energy Expo and the Oil & Energy… https://oilandenergyonline.com/articles/all/pennco-students-win-oil-energy-photo-contest/

NYC Widens Biofuel Use

Councilman Costa Costantinides targets city ferries. Are power plants next?
Councilman Costa Costantinides targets city ferries. Are power plants next? New York City has emerged as a national leader in urban environmentalism in recent years, as leaders… https://oilandenergyonline.com/articles/all/nyc-widens-biofuel-use/

Noise But No Action

Anyone who has been in the motor carrier industry for a while will be familiar with the hours of service regulations fight. Outside of our world, however, the topic rarely, if ever, gets any attention.
Debate takes new directions in wake of high-profile crash Anyone who has been in the motor carrier industry for a while will be familiar with the hours of service regulations… https://oilandenergyonline.com/articles/all/noise-no-action/

Cold Weather Improves Margins

Gray, Gray & Gray, LLP Certified Public Accountants, Westwood, Mass., recently released the results of the firm’s 23rd annual Oilheat Industry Survey. The survey was distributed to retail fuel oil and propane dealers throughout the Northeast and Mid-Atlan…
Gray, Gray & Gray, LLP Certified Public Accountants, Westwood, Mass., recently released the results of the firm’s 23rd annual Oilheat Industry Survey. The survey was distributed… https://oilandenergyonline.com/articles/all/cold-weather-improves-margins/

Monitors Enhance Fuel Delivery

Remote tank monitoring has become a very handy tool for many fuel dealers. Sure, it’s a great tool to monitor your customer’s tank levels and usage, but the real value may be the savings from more timely deliveries. Tank monitoring adds a whole new dimens…
Remote tank monitoring has become a very handy tool for many fuel dealers. Sure, it’s a great tool to monitor your customer’s tank levels and usage, but the real value may be the… https://oilandenergyonline.com/articles/all/monitors-enhance-fuel-delivery/

Forecasting Deliveries

Energy marketers who want to improve delivery efficiency without a large investment in software can integrate degree-day forecasting into their delivery scheduling with a subscription service from Degree Days Online.
Energy marketers who want to improve delivery efficiency without a large investment in software can integrate degree-day forecasting into their delivery scheduling with a… https://oilandenergyonline.com/articles/all/forecasting-deliveries/

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