Tuesday, January 14, 2025


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How Well Do You Control Your Tanks?

You own your propane tanks and your gas lines — are they secure from tampering?
From the propane industry’s earliest days, safety concerns have led many states to require that only the tank owner or his authorized agent can open a valve and fill a propane… https://oilandenergyonline.com/articles/all/how-well-do-you-control-your-tanks/

A Follow-Up Examination

Flaws in the U.S. Department of Energy’s standard annual fuel utilization efficiency (AFUE) rating system are well documented. In fact, Oil & Energy recently dredged up from our archives a 2006 (!) article on the topic, which somewhat exhaustively breaks …
Flaws in the U.S. Department of Energy’s standard annual fuel utilization efficiency (AFUE) rating system are well documented. In fact, Oil & Energy recently dredged up from our… https://oilandenergyonline.com/articles/all/follow-examination/

Thieves Continue to Target Propane Exchange Tanks

Propane Exchange tanks are valuable and can be dangerous. That’s why retailers keep them in locked cages. But some recent news articles suggest that locks and cages are not always doing their jobs. Consider these headlines and stories… “Caught on video…
Propane Exchange tanks are valuable and can be dangerous. That’s why retailers keep them in locked cages. But some recent news articles suggest that locks and cages are not always… https://oilandenergyonline.com/articles/all/thieves-continue-target-propane-exchange-tanks/

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