Saturday, July 27, 2024


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The Ramp Test

Historic 12-week comparison answers the eternal questions, when and how to hedge
Historic 12-week comparison answers the eternal questions, when and how to hedge The 2021-2022 heating season is still ongoing, drawing to a close by next month in April, and yet… https://oilandenergyonline.com/articles/all/ramp-test/

Back to Basics with Hedging for Fuel Dealers

An effective hedging program will protect and guarantee a stable profit margin for fuel dealers, as it helps offset losses accrued in an adverse and volatile oil market.
Which heating oil program(s) are you offering your clients this winter? How well is your profit margin protected? Ever felt the need to revisit your hedging strategies? The New… https://oilandenergyonline.com/articles/all/back-basics-hedging-fuel-dealers/

Ultra-Low Sulfur Standard Ushers In Cleaner Hedges

Sulfur content regulations have impacted, and continue to impact, the distillate product landscape on the East Coast.
Sulfur content regulations have impacted, and continue to impact, the distillate product landscape on the East Coast. The distillate fuel sulfur content history in Petroleum… https://oilandenergyonline.com/articles/all/ultra-low-sulfur-standard-ushers-cleaner-hedges/

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