Sunday, December 22, 2024


ASTM Releases Specification for B20 Heating Oil

ASTM International recently released new performance specifications for B20 heating oil that contains 20 percent biodiesel, according to a report in Biodiesel magazine. The heating oil industry requested the new specification and made the case for B20 so that dealers can sell B20 Bioheat® fuel with the full support of oil burner manufacturers.

The National Oilheat Research Alliance (NORA) supports the use of B20, because B20 burns cleaner than pure heating oil and contains a renewable component. Blends of ultra low sulfur heating oil and 20 percent biodiesel generate less greenhouse gas than natural gas, according to NORA. Industry leaders contend that environmental regulators should acknowledge heating oil’s improved emissions profile and stop developing public policies designed to replace heating oil with other heating fuels.

To learn more about B20 Bioheat fuel, check out these recent articles on Oil & Energy Online:
NORA’s John Huber discusses B20 and New Possibilities
NYC Councilor proposes B5 Bioheat Mandate
Sprague’s Steven Levy Discusses Intersection of Petroleum and Biodiesel

March 2015

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