2016 Eastern Energy Expo Calls for Presentations
EDITOR’S NOTE: The Eastern Energy Expo recently issued the following announcement.
The Eastern Energy Expo, a co-sponsored event being hosted by the national Association of Oil & Energy Service Professionals (OESP), The Atlantic Region Energy Expo (AREE) and the Pennsylvania Petroleum Association (PPA) will be held May 22-26, 2016 at Foxwoods Resort and Casino, Ledyard, CT.
With this new format, attendees will see a wide variety of new products and services located on two exhibit floors and an outdoor display area where there are live fired demonstrations.
In addition to a two-day trade show, featuring a wide variety of oil, gas and energy products and services, there will be a wide variety of sessions from which to choose. OESP will be taking the lead in coordinating the Technical Sessions, and PPA and AREE will be working to plan the show’s other track programming, targeted at management and other company personnel. Committees from each of the cosponsors will be reviewing the requests. The Expo staff invites those interested in sharing their expertise during this event. To do so, visit the website to secure the Request for Presentation paperwork. To be considered, the completed form needs to be submitted to our office no later than December 1, 2015.
To view the floor plans, secure a booth space, view sponsorships, and see our current exhibitors and more, visit Stay abreast of new things as they are announced by registering on the site to receive regular updates.