Wednesday, February 5, 2025


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NH Retailers Commend Enactment of Clean Heating Oil Act

Energy retailers in New Hampshire and the New England region are celebrating the enactment of legislation that will improve the efficiency and environmental security of home heating oil while reducing consumer energy costs. New Hampshire Senate Bill SB…
Energy retailers in New Hampshire and the New England region are celebrating the enactment of legislation that will improve the efficiency and environmental security of home… https://oilandenergyonline.com/articles/all/nh-retailers-commend-enactment-clean-heating-oil-act/

Heil Unveils Latest Trailer Builds Featuring Civacon’s COPS at WPMA

Civacon, part of OPW, is proud to announce that Heil Trailer International, Cleveland, TN, unveiled a new truck and trailer at the recent Western Petroleum Marketers Association’s (WPMA) National Convention & Convenience Store Expo in Las Vegas, NV, that …
Civacon, part of OPW, is proud to announce that Heil Trailer International, Cleveland, TN, unveiled a new truck and trailer at the recent Western Petroleum Marketers Association’s… https://oilandenergyonline.com/articles/all/heil-unveils-latest-trailer-builds-featuring-civacons-cops-wpma/

Pursue Real Gains in Productivity, and Don’t Fall for Buzz Words

Look for greater productivity from your software and ignore sales-rep buzz words.
EDITOR’S NOTE: This post is sponsored by Cargas Energy, which also sponsors Propane Intel. This is the first of two posts on the topic Productivity Redefined.   Software… https://oilandenergyonline.com/articles/all/pursue-real-gains-productivity-and-dont-fall-buzz-words/

Opposition to Northeast Energy Direct Pipeline Pays Off

The Oilheat industry is facing a little less pressure now following last month’s decision by Kinder Morgan to abandon the proposed Northeast Energy Direct Pipeline (NED).
The Oilheat industry is facing a little less pressure now following last month’s decision by Kinder Morganto abandon the proposed Northeast Energy Direct Pipeline (NED), which… https://oilandenergyonline.com/articles/all/opposition-northeast-energy-direct-pipeline-pays/

International Roadcheck is Coming: Are You Ready?

The Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance (CVSA) is planning its annual roadside inspection blitz June 7-9. Foley Carrier Services has advice on how companies can prepare their drivers.
Commercial drivers beware! The Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance (CVSA) is planning its annual roadside inspection blitz June 7-9. Foley Carrier Services has a new blog post… https://oilandenergyonline.com/articles/all/international-roadcheck-coming-are-you-ready/

More Bioheat Is Good for New York City

New York City has transitioned to a new grade of clean-burning heating oil in recent years, and is looing to increase the rate of biodiesel blending to reduce emissions even further. The New York Oil Heating Association (NYOHA) is spreading the word to fi…
New York City has transitioned to a new grade of clean-burning heating oil in recent years, and is looing to increase the rate of biodiesel blending to reduce emissions even… https://oilandenergyonline.com/articles/all/more-bioheat-good-new-york-city/

OHCC, NYOHA and NORA Celebrate Opening of Research and Training Center

The heating oil industry now has a place to call home in New York. The New York Oil Heating Association, the Oil Heat Comfort Corp. and the National Oilheat Research Alliance held a grand opening yesterday for their new shared facility in Plainview, NY…
The heating oil industry now has a place to call home in New York. The New York Oil Heating Association, the Oil Heat Comfort Corp. and the National Oilheat Research Alliance… https://oilandenergyonline.com/articles/all/ohcc-nyoha-and-nora-celebrate-opening-research-and-training-center/

The Benefits of an Integrated Mobile Solution

What’s the difference between interfacing and integrating? A mobile solution that gets you through the day and one that gets the job done right.
EDITOR’S NOTE: ADD Systems is sponsor of this OilandEnergyOnline.com post.   What’s the difference between interfacing and integrating? A mobile solution that gets you… https://oilandenergyonline.com/articles/all/benefits-integrated-mobile-solution/

Mass. Attorney General Will Challenge Natural Gas Pipeline Easement

Mass AG Healey intends to defend the state against a lawsuit by a gas pipeline developer who seeks to override a protection afforded by the state’s Constitution.
Massachusetts Attorney General Maura Healey intends to defend the state against a lawsuit by a gas pipeline developer who seeks to tear up a state forest and override a protection… https://oilandenergyonline.com/articles/all/mass-attorney-general-will-challenge-natural-gas-pipeline-easement/

Clinton Gets It Wrong on Heating Oil

Democratic Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton is pledging to use government grants to move heating oil customers to other fuels. The former U.S. Senator and Secretary of State is floating an energy policy plan that she says will create jobs, reduce p…
Democratic Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton is pledging to use government grants to move heating oil customers to other fuels. The former U.S. Senator and Secretary of… https://oilandenergyonline.com/articles/all/clinton-gets-it-wrong-heating-oil/

REG Rings the Opening Bell at NASDAQ

On January 15, REG headed back to New York City’s Times Square to ring the NASDAQ Stock Exchange’s opening bell. This was the third time that REG has rung in the start of a trading day. The first time was in 2012 when REG became a publicly traded company.…
On January 15, REG headed back to New York City’s Times Square to ring the NASDAQ Stock Exchange’s opening bell. This was the third time that REG has rung in the start of a… https://oilandenergyonline.com/articles/all/reg-rings-opening-bell-nasdaq/

Paul Nazzaro To Present at National Biodiesel Conference

Next week, Paul Nazzaro, President of Advanced Fuel Solutions and Petroleum Liaison to the National Biodiesel Board (NBB), will present at a session on Petroleum Supply Chain Management at the National Biodiesel Conference and Expo in Tampa, FL. The sess…
Next week, Paul Nazzaro, President of Advanced Fuel Solutions and Petroleum Liaison to the National Biodiesel Board (NBB), will present at a session on Petroleum Supply Chain… https://oilandenergyonline.com/articles/all/paul-nazzaro-present-national-biodiesel-conference/

Storm Could Pound Energy Industry

The massive winter storm rolling that is towards the East Coast today could wreak havoc in the energy industry, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA). “To help analysts assess potential storm impacts, EIA maintains an energy disrup…
The massive winter storm rolling that is towards the East Coast today could wreak havoc in the energy industry, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA). “To… https://oilandenergyonline.com/articles/all/storm-could-pound-energy-industry/

Oil Dealers Seize the Moment to Assail Pro-Natural Gas Policy

Connecticut’s independent marketers of Oilheat and Bioheat® Fuel have seen more than enough of Governor Dannel P. Malloy’s aggressive, pro-natural gas energy policy. With new developments and information contradicting every purported advantage of natural…
Connecticut’s independent marketers of Oilheat and Bioheat® Fuel have seen more than enough of Governor Dannel P. Malloy’s aggressive, pro-natural gas energy policy. With new… https://oilandenergyonline.com/articles/all/oil-dealers-seize-moment-assail-pro-natural-gas-policy/

American Energy Coalition Launches New Website

The American Energy Coalition (AEC) has unveiled its newly updated website, www.AmericanEnergyCoalition.com. Now viewable across virtually all computer and smart device platforms, the site was reconstructed using a responsive design that allows each page’…
The American Energy Coalition (AEC) has unveiled its newly updated website, www.AmericanEnergyCoalition.com. Now viewable across virtually all computer and smart device platforms,… https://oilandenergyonline.com/articles/all/american-energy-coalition-launches-new-website/

The Finished Job

The September 2015 issue featured an article on an installation job by TriTech Mechanical LLC, of Stamford, CT. The job was in progress when Oil & Energy visited the site, and now it is complete. These pictures show the finished installation, which was…
The September 2015 issue featured an article on an installation job by TriTech Mechanical LLC, of Stamford, CT. The job was in progress when Oil & Energy visited the site, and now… https://oilandenergyonline.com/articles/all/finished-job/

Biodiesel Blenders Tax Credit Survives Year-End Deal

Moments ago the United States Senate gave final approval to a massive year-end spending and tax deal that funds the federal government through September, 2016 and extends or makes permanent scores of tax incentives for corporations and individuals. Presid…
EDITOR’S NOTE: New England Fuel Institute today released the following recap of the year-end spending and tax bill approved by Congress. Moments ago the United States Senate… https://oilandenergyonline.com/articles/all/biodiesel-blenders-tax-credit-survives-year-end-deal/

REG Offers Webinar on Handling Biodiesel in Cold Weather

Renewable Energy Group Inc. (REG), a leading North American advanced biofuels producer, will offer a webinar this Thursday (December 17) on handling biodiesel in cold weather. Dave Slade, Ph.D., REG’s Executive Director of Biofuels Technology and Services…
Renewable Energy Group Inc. (REG), a leading North American advanced biofuels producer, will offer a webinar this Thursday (December 17) on handling biodiesel in cold weather.… https://oilandenergyonline.com/articles/all/reg-offers-webinar-handling-biodiesel-cold-weather/

REG Voices Support for New Biomass-Based Diesel Volumes

Daniel J. Oh, President and CEO of REG, expressed gratitude to the EPA and others for increasing U.S. biomass-based diesel volumes under the final Renewable Volume Obligation (RVO) rule.
Daniel J. Oh, President and CEO of Renewable Energy Group, Inc., recently expressed gratitude to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and others for increasing U.S.… https://oilandenergyonline.com/articles/all/reg-voices-support-new-biomass-based-diesel-volumes/

The Perils of Pricing for Heating & Cooling Contractors

Jim D’Amico, President of Profit Strategies Inc., has an interesting post on the Coolfront blog about the challenges of pricing jobs for customers using traditional time and materials methods. Entitled The Dirty Dozen of Time & Materials Pricing – Is It H…
Jim D’Amico, President of Profit Strategies Inc., has an interesting post on the Coolfront blog about the challenges of pricing jobs for customers using traditional time and… https://oilandenergyonline.com/articles/all/perils-pricing-heating-cooling-contractors/

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