New Customer Education Resources for Heating Fuel Dealers

AEC introduces infographics exposing The Truth Behind “Electrify Everything”
The American Energy Coalition (AEC) has developed a series of free consumer-facing infographics that heating fuel dealers can now share with their customers and policymakers to warn them about the dangers of the “electrify everything” movement as well as the shortcomings of electric heat pumps.
The Truth Behind “Electrify Everything” currently includes four one-page infographics, each of which focuses on a different topic: The Grid, The Economics, The Environment, or The Consumer. Each infographic includes a strong headline stating a major concern in concise and compelling terms. For example, The Environment infographic reads “Electrification Is Fueling Climate Change & Environmental Injustice.” Each infographic’s central argument is backed by four to five memorable facts complemented by eye-catching imagery.
In all four infographics, Bioheat® fuel is presented as “The Solution” for grid reliability, energy costs, emission reductions and protecting consumer choice. All claims, statistics and data were vetted by counsel and are supported by reputable sources, including ISO New England, the U.S. Energy Information Administration, International Energy Agency and others.
The infographics were commissioned by the AEC Marketing Committee and developed in coordination with New York-based marketing and communications firm PriMedia. The committee includes leaders from the Connecticut Energy Marketers Association, New York State Energy Coalition and NEFI, all of which participated in the project to ensure that the end product would be effective across a wide range of markets and demographics.
“These infographics highlight some of the biggest fallacies of the ‘electrify everything’ movement and expose its dangers, globally as well as locally, from worldwide greenhouse gas emissions to individual household costs,” said AEC Executive Director Tom Tubman. “I encourage all heating oil dealers to take advantage of these free consumer-education tools and share them with your current and potential customers.”
The Truth Behind “Electrify Everything” infographics are available now on the American Energy Coalition website. AEC and PriMedia are also developing a white paper along with a series of web pages that will include additional information and sources for customers who would like to learn more. These pages can be accessed via the URLs on each infographic. For example, The Grid infographic encourages customers to visit
Infographics, web pages and white papers are just a few examples of free resources that can help dealers educate their customers, elected officials and regulators about the dangers of electrification and benefits of renewable liquid heating fuels. Many more resources can be created with your support. To contribute, visit and