Tuesday, March 25, 2025


July Issue Delivers Fascinating Articles on Heating Oil, Natural Gas, Family Business, and Heating & Cooling

If you do not receive Oil & Energy in print, you are missing out on a good thing, but you can still read many of the articles at Oil & Energy Online. Here is quick look at some of the coverage in our July 2015 issue.

  • Joe Ciccarello, Managing Partner at Gray, Gray & Gray, moderated a fascinating discussion at the NEFI Energy Expo about the unique issues facing family businessesOil & Energy was there for the heartfelt discussion that touched on compensation, leadership and succession.
  • Shawna Henderson, of Blue House Energy, examines heating and cooling appliances that are well suited for the reduced loads in today’s tight homes.
  • Author Dr. Philip K. Verleger Jr. generated a lot of buzz at the Expo by taking a strong, controversial stand on the future of the petroleum industry. He urged marketers to prepare for more hard truths that might be coming their way as leaders of government and industry turn away from petroleum and towards other energy sources. Some audience members found his presentation pessimistic, while others appreciated Verleger’s willingness to tell it as he sees it.
  • Also at the Expo, propane experts Sean Cota and Steve Heffron explained the differences between selling heating oil and propane and provided valuable advice on how to succeed with propane.
  • Facebook has angered many businesses that invested heavily to build a following only to see the social media giant cut them out of their followers’ news feeds. PriMedia President Rich Rutigliano provides an in-depth explanation of why Facebook remains vital and how businesses can build bridges to their target audiences.
  • Natural gas has enjoyed some very good years recently, but the tide is turning as concerns about expensive pipelines and methane leakage change public sentiments about the fuel.

Others topics in the July issue include:

July 2015

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