Fueling a Sustainable Future, Today
by Steve Klein, Renewable Energy Group

Left to right: Jeff Stroburg, REG Chairman of the Board; Bob Kenyon, REG Senior Vice President, Sales & Marketing; Bobby Brown and Robert Leon, Broco Energy; CJ Warner, REG President and CEO.
Renewable Energy Group unveils complete line of bio-based diesel fuels
On March 30, 2022, Renewable Energy Group, Inc. (REG) unveiled EnDura Fuels™, a complete line of fuel solutions to help companies meet sustainability and profitability goals.
The EnDura Fuels™ line consists of five bio-based diesel fuels including InfiniD™, a high-quality biodiesel formulated for use in most heating oil and diesel fuel applications. InfiniD™ exceeds industry quality standards and enables many customers to utilize higher biodiesel blends year-round.
This makes InifiniD™ an ideal solution for the liquid heating fuel industry, which has set aggressive decarbonization goals under the Providence Resolution. Additionally, as of this coming July, three Northeast states — New York, Connecticut and Rhode Island — will require heating oil to contain a minimum of 5% biodiesel (or renewable diesel in Connecticut and Rhode Island). The minimum blend requirements will increase to B10, B20 and B50 in the years ahead, and InfiniD™ can help deliver the durability needed to ensure reliable cold-weather performance at these higher blend levels.
“At REG, we’re helping to redefine what’s possible with the cleaner fuel solutions that we are unveiling, which allow us to immediately serve our customers and the world as the clean energy transition partner of choice,” said Cynthia (CJ) Warner, President and CEO of REG. “Bio-based diesel can play an essential role in helping the entire transport industry reduce carbon emissions, and our customers are already seeing great success with our line of fuels, including our latest fuel innovation, PuriD™.”
The complete EnDura Fuels™ line includes:
- InfiniD™: High-quality biodiesel for use in heating oil and conventional diesel applications
- PuriD™: Next-generation biodiesel for virtually seamless blending with renewable diesel, enabling users to confidently increase biodiesel blend levels year-round
- VelociD™: Clean-burning, renewable diesel that exceeds ASTM D975 requirements
- UltraClean BlenD™: 100% renewable fuel made from a proprietary blend of VelociD™ and PuriD™
- BeyonD™: Low fossil carbon Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF)
As part of the EnDura Fuels™ branded product launch, REG hosted partners and clients at our headquarters in Ames, Iowa for discussions about the state of the renewable fuels industry today. During these sessions, REG touched on how our branded products can help change the “winter blending equation” for heating fuel dealers and their customers. REG’s high standards for quality enable these companies to market Bioheat® fuel with cold-flow properties that are remarkably similar to those of conventional heating oil.
As a testament to this fact, several REG partners in the heating fuel sector are already delivering B20 and higher blends to their customers all year-round. One such company is Broco Energy of Haverhill, Massachusetts.
Broco Energy co-owner Bobby Brown and his colleague Robert Leon were on-hand at the EnDura Fuels™ launch to receive REG’s Clean Fuel Now Distributor Award, which recognizes companies that deliver immediate emission reductions to their customers. The company has set a goal of reducing heating oil’s carbon footprint by over 161 million pounds per year.
“At REG, we are so grateful to each and every one of our customers for trusting us with their business, and helping to create a cleaner world,” said Bob Kenyon, Senior Vice President of Sales & Marketing for REG. “We wanted to start this awards program as a way to recognize and celebrate those customers who are going above and beyond in leading the clean energy transition.”
REG and its strategic partners are already using biodiesel and Bioheat® fuel to deliver significant emission reductions now. Our new EnDura Fuels™ line empowers us to take these emission reductions to the next level, fueling a sustainable future, today. Establishing a strategic partnership with REG can help reaffirm your company’s position as part of your community’s clean-energy future. To find out more, please reach out to our sales team.
Steve Klein is Senior Manager, Marketing at Renewable Energy Group. He can be reached at or 515-269-8364. The REG team is also exhibiting at Eastern Energy Expo trade show booth 533.