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Fagan Raises Money For Charity in Pell Bridge Run

Roberta Fagan, Operations Manager at Anchor Fuel and President of the Oil Heat Institute of Rhode Island, will run in a charity event this Sunday to help Rhode Islanders stay warm this winter.

The Rhode Island Oil Heat Charitable Foundation is Fagan’s designated beneficiary when she runs in the Citizens Bank Pell Bridge Run 2015 this weekend. The four-mile run begins in Jamestown, RI, and finishes in Newport, crossing the landmark Claiborne Pell Newport Bridge, which spans the East Passage of Narragansett Bay.

Fagan encourages friends and colleagues to support her through the crowdrise.com page that she has set up for the event. It takes only a few minutes to make a donation by credit card and support the Foundation, which provides heating assistance to low-income families; families of deployed military personnel; and families of persons facing serious illness and/or disabilities.

“I will be running to raise funds to help individuals and/or families with emergency home heating fuel needs,” Fagan writes on her crowdrise.com page. “According to experts the winter of 2015-2016 will be as cold if not colder than last winter. The cost of home heating fuel is relatively low right now, but here in Rhode Island we have many individuals and families who live below the poverty level and struggle to pay for basic necessities of life.

“One part of the mission of the Rhode Island Charitable Foundation is to help those at risk with emergency fuel deliveries. The program relies heavily on and thanks to the generosity of several fuel terminal operators who donate the gallons, fuel dealers who deliver those gallons, as well as private donations that help supplement the program.”

Click here to help Fagan support the Rhode Island Oil Heat Charitable Foundation.

October 2015

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