Bioheat® & Electrification & in the Northeast & Mid-Atlantic

A list compiled and updated periodically by Jim Collura of NEFI
For the past several years, NEFI Vice President & Director of Government Affairs Jim Collura has produced a list providing general information on the status of state and local sulfur and biofuel blending requirements for heating oil and other distillate fuels. One of the main purposes of this document was to help fuel dealers in the Northeast states prepare for the planned transition to ultra-low sulfur fuel containing a maximum15 PPM sulfur.
New York completed this transition in 2012 and New Jersey followed suit in 2016. Last year, the six New England states completed the transition as well, normalizing virtually the entire Northeast distillate supply pool at 15 PPM sulfur. Only Pennsylvania remains at 500 PPM, and that state’s transition has already begun, as Philadelphia currently requires 15 PPM and the rest of the state is expected to complete the transition this summer.
With the ultra-low sulfur transition coming to a close, and with many of the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic states considering additional measures to reduce emissions in the heating, energy, and transportation sectors, NEFI has turned its attention to a wave of legislation and policy proposals related to carbon taxes, electrification and biofuels. The list below contains proposed legislation and initiatives, as well as current laws, related to Bioheat® fuel, electrification, emission-reduction targets, carbon taxes, cap-and-trade programs and more.
NOTE: most states’ legislative sessions end in the month of June. Though few of the proposed bills listed here are expected to pass during this legislative session, many of these bills are likely to be proposed again and/or might provide framework for future legislation. NEFI will continue to publish this list each year with updates on new and existing legislation and initiatives.
Click here to download the list.