Biofuel & Electrification at a Glance

Renewable Blending Standards By State
State | Heating Oil | On-Road |
CT |
MA | Gubernatorial moratorium on 2008 B2-B5 requirement, state launched biofuel program to assess viability | |
NH | B5 standard for state vehicles | |
NY | New York City:
Nassau, Suffolk, and Westchester County: Current B5 standard Statewide: Discussions ongoing to expand current B5 standard statewide, with additional standards to B10 by 2025 and B20 by 2030 |
B20 standard for city vehicles from April 1 to October 31; B5 standard for city vehicles from November 1 to March 31 |
PA | Discussions ongoing to make on-road standard apply to heating oil |
RI | Current B5 standard, discussions ongoing to increase requirement to B10 by 2023, B20 by 2025, and B50 by 2030 | |
VT | B3-B7 requirement in place, but dependent on laws in contiguous states (Act 74) | B5 standard for state vehicles |
State Heating Oil and Biodiesel Incentives
State | Type | Name | Description |
CT | Grant | Biofuels Research Grants | The Department of Economic and Community Development administers a fuel diversification grant program to provide funding for research to promote biofuel production from agricultural products, algae, and waste grease, as well as biofuel quality testing |
Tax Exemption | Bioheat Gross Earnings Tax Exemption | This law exempts a commercial heating oil blend from the state gross earnings tax that is levied on the sale of petroleum products. The heating oil blend must contain not less than 10 percent alternative fuels. | |
Market-Based Program | Thermal Renewable Energy Credits (T-REC) | Program would allow Class I Renewable Energy Credits (RECS) to be generated on the basis of useful thermal energy generated from biodiesel delivered to an end user that electric providers have to buy to comply with the RPS requirements | |
ME | Tax Exemption | Biodiesel Fuel Tax Exemption | An individual that produces biodiesel for personal use or use by a member of his or her immediate family is exempt from the state fuel excise tax. |
MA | Market-Based Program | Alternative Energy Portfolio Standard (APS) | Program works with RPS incentivizing utilities to buy RECs from alternative energy generating sources including combined heat and power, flywheels, efficient steam technology, solar, biomass, biogas, liquid biofuel, waste to energy, fuel cell generation units, or any other alternative energy technology approved by the department. Currently UCO is the only viable feedstock and there is a 20% cap on minted credits going to biodiesel |
NY | Tax Credit | Biofuel Production Tax Credit (expired) | Biofuel producers in New York State may qualify for a tax credit of $0.15 per gallon of pure biodiesel (B100) or denatured ethanol produced. To qualify, the production facility must produce, and make available for sale, at least 40,000 gallons of biofuel per year. The maximum annual credit available is $2.5 million per taxpayer for no more than four consecutive taxable years per production facility. This credit expired December 31, 2019. |
Tax Credit | Clean Heating Fuels Tax Credit | This law creates a tax credit for Bioheat in residential heating applications. The tax credit will provide one cent ($0.01) per gallon for each percentage of biodiesel content above B6. There is a cap at the B20 level. Higher percentage blends, if used, will receive 20 cents per gallon. The law allows the application of the tax credit to single family homes as well as to multi-family (apartment) buildings. This credit expires January 1, 2023 |
Electrification Policies By State
State | Renewable Energy Portfolio Standard | Building Electrification Efforts | |
CT |
ME |
MA |
NH |
NJ |
NY |
PA |
RI |
VT |
Economy Wide Greenhouse Gas Reduction Policies By State
State | Mandated or Aspirational | 2020 Target | 2030 Target | 2050 Target | Legislation Details |
CT | Mandated | 10% below 1990 levels | 45% below 2001 levels | 80% below 2001 levels | 2008 Global Warming Solutions Act, 2018 PA 18-82 |
ME | Mandated | 45% below 1990 levels | 80% below 1990 levels | 2019, LD 17-69 | |
MA | Mandated | 25% below 1990 levels | 80% below 1990 levels | 2008 Global Warming Solutions Act | |
NH | Aspirational | 20% below 1990 levels (2025) | 80% below 1990 levels | 2009 Climate Action Plan | |
NJ | Aspirational | 20% below 1990 levels | 80% below 2006 levels | 2007 Global Warming Response Act | |
NY | Mandated | 40% below 1990 levels | 85% below 1990 levels | 2019 Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act | |
PA | Aspirational | 26% below 2005 levels (2025) | 80% below 2005 levels | 2019 Climate Action Plan | |
RI | Mandated | 45% below 1990 levels (2035) | 80% below 1990 levels | 2014 Resilient Rhode Island Act | |
VT | Mandated | 26% below 2005 levels (2025) | 40% below 1990 levels | 80% below 1990 levels | 2020 Global Warming Solutions Act - Possibility Governor Scott may veto |
Regional Programs
Name | Relevant State(s) | Description |
Low Carbon Fuel Standard (LCFS) | CA |
Low Carbon Fuel Standard (LCFS) | OR |
Low Carbon Fuel Standard (LCFS) | NY | There are ongoing discussions to establish a statewide LCFS in New York to meet the requirements of the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act (CLCPA) |
Low Carbon Fuel Standard (LCFS) | All (Federal) |
Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI) | CT, DE, ME, MD, MA, NH, NJ*, NY, PA*, RI, VT, VA* |
Transportation and Climate Initiative (TCI) | CT, DE, ME, MD, MA, NH, NJ, NY, PA, RI, VT, VA |
*New Jersey withdrew from RGGI in 2012 but rejoined in 2020; Virginia is scheduled to join RGGI in 2021; proposed regulation for Pennsylvania to join RGGI is expected September 15, 2020. |